News from the Sense of Branding Crash Course - Anano Tsitsvadze


My general impression of the Sense of Branding crash course is this - a transformation of vision that needs to be "managed."

If you’re interested in branding, then the Sense of Branding crash course is exactly what will give you the greatest experience and knowledge in this field. In this blog, I’ll introduce you to Commschool graduate Anano Tsitsvadze, who shares her impressions about the course and the lecturer.


Anano is the Marketing and Communications Manager at the Georgian-American University, with 8 years of experience in the marketing field. Her diverse vision in the field is shaped by her studies in a 4-year Liberal Arts program and working with interesting people.

ანანო ქართულ-ამერიკული უნივერსიტეტის მარკეტინგისა და კომუნიკაციების მენეჯერია, რომელსაც მარკეტინგის სფეროში უკვე 8 წლიანი გამოცდილება აქვს. სფეროში მის მრავალფეროვან ხედვას კი Liberal Arts-ის 4 წლიან პროგრამაზე სწავლა  და საინტერესო ადამინებთან მუშაობა განაპირობებს. 

"In my view, marketing goes beyond the standard 'buy-sell' cycle and turns this field into the best arena for creative burning."


According to Anano, branding is part of the best arena for creative burning, without which marketing and communications are unimaginable. Therefore, each activity she has implemented throughout her profession was an echo of the brand’s spirit, because brand perception is what gives birth to communication strategy.

"I believe that each person is unique, so a brand should be unique too. If this is not the case, I'll consider that I'm simply not working correctly."


For Anano, the course process was a new and pleasant challenge, where after 20 minutes of research with industry professionals, you have to present a topic presentation, which should be done quite concisely. However, with the help of the lecturer and stepping into his world, the course exceeded all of Anano’s expectations and, according to her, set a standard for all courses and lecturers.

"I chose the course quite easily because it has no alternative in Georgia, and in my opinion, Ucha Urushadze is also unrivaled. His range of thinking is so vast that it's impossible to remain the same after professional interaction with him."

The course not only added to Anano’s knowledge but also to her confidence. She is sure that with the help of the knowledge and visions shared by the lecturer, she will definitely discover something new and valuable in the near future, because, as she says: “Ucha’s vision resembles the art of branding, it has many layers, and the further you go, the more layers you encounter for interpretation, which ultimately leads you to an important, personal conclusion.”


The most important thing she learned from the course is that: “The brand I’m working on now and all the brands that will be added to my professional portfolio in the future are people to me. I couldn’t have learned anything more valuable anywhere else from anyone.”


Anano advises everyone who has any type of connection with the marketing and communications field to take advantage of the opportunity to take the Sense of Branding course. For those who make the strategic decision to take the course, she advises forgetting about their regalia, who they are, and what they’ve done in marketing so far during the lectures. They should simply be students, maximally open to hearing, perceiving, and understanding unconventional visions, ideas, and interpretations. Because such an approach will only double the effect of the course.

"Briefly, sharply, and intelligently. If you can't do it, try again, Ucha will help you, just ask for help. In the end, you must succeed, you shouldn't finish the course without thinking 'That's it!' at least once."

So, if you want to experience the creative burning of branding and transform your own visions in the marketing field, join us! Get “managed” by Sense of Branding, whose course we’re starting on July 1-2!

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