Skills Needed for a Motion Graphics Designer


Even an untrained eye would likely notice that the modern digital world is full of high-quality moving effects, which are the responsibility of a motion designer.

A motion designer is responsible for bringing graphic elements to life and possessing enough creativity to turn a simple theoretical idea into an attractive moving element on a computer screen.


But is creative thinking enough to become a successful motion designer? To answer this question, I want to talk about 5 key skills that distinguish a motion designer!

1.Knowledge of Graphic Design

To become a good motion graphics designer, it’s important to be well-versed in graphic design tools such as: 

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator


Knowledge of these will help you create appealing graphics that you can then animate in After Effects. In other words, they will provide significant assistance in creating colors and attractive designs during the animation process.

2.Typography - Attractive Printed Text

You’d probably agree that content is made attractive not only by the animation of beautiful graphics but also by the font of the text and its proper distribution.

Therefore, it’s important to properly and beautifully distribute and animate key words provided by the client (e.g., a marketer), such as slogans or campaign names. This way, you can easily convey the message to the consumer.


Consequently, it’s essential for a motion designer to have the ability to create simple, unique, and visually appealing printed text.

3. Creative Thinking

  1. Since we’ve talked so much about attractive content, I think you won’t be surprised if I tell you that creative thinking skills are essential for a motion designer.


Creativity helps a motion graphics designer to: 

Create new visuals 

Show alternative ways to solve problems 

Add individuality, which is indeed a key to great success in this field!

4. 3D დიზაინისა და ფერების ცოდნა

ტექნოლოგიების წინსვლასთან ერთად 3D დიზაინი უფრო და უფრო ექცევა ყურადღების ცენტრში, რადგან მას აქვს ისეთი უნიკალური მახასიათებლები, რომლებიც დიდი პოპულარობით სარგებლობს/

სწორედ ამიტომ მოუშენ გრაფიკოსმა უნდა იცოდეს: 

როგორ გადაადგილდებიან ობიექტები 3D განზომილებაში

როგორ უკავშირდებიან ობიექტები ერთმანეთს

ფერების თეორია, რათა შექმნას დადებითი განწყობა მომხმარებელში

5. Good Communication Skills

  1.  In today’s world, it’s not surprising that any professional activity requires good communication skills, and motion graphics is no exception.


Effective communication becomes particularly important when the designer has to talk to a technically “non-designer” client, during which it’s their responsibility to convey the appropriate content visuals to the client in a simple and understandable manner.

Motion Design

15 Lecture I 45 Hours I 8 Week

And so, I hope we’ve fully covered the information about Motion graphics designers and the skills they need.


I’ll also mention that if you want to learn Motion Design, join us, as registration for the course has already begun. Successful graduates will intern at our partner companies: Maverik, Burtula, Redberry, as part of the Alumni Club.

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